5-14. The illumination of TRIZ innovative method to the high-throughput experimentation of materials

5-14. The illumination of TRIZ innovative method to the high-throughput experimentation of materials

Cao xiying, Li hongxia, Wang gang, Zhang qi

State key Laboratory of Advanced Refractories, Sinosteel Luoyang Institute of Refractories Research Co., Ltd., Luoyang 471039, Henan, China

Abstract: The high-throughput experiment of materials is to complete the preparation and characterization of a large number of samples in a short time. The core idea is to change the sequential iterative method used in the research of traditional materials to parallel processing, and improve research efficiency. TRIZ is a invention problem solving theory. It was proposed in 1946 by the Russian scholar G.S.Altshuller and his colleagues through the analysis of tens of thousands of patents. TRIZ can assist people to creatively obtain an effective solution to the problem of invention. This paper briefly discusses some inspirations of TRIZ for high-throughput experiments of materials, including the gradient material prepared by gradient Field, the improvement of the refractory drying process (two-parameter control method) and the stress fatigue test to measure the thermal shock resistance of refractory materials. The integration of TRIZ and material genetic engineering will better promote technological innovation in the field of materials.

Keywords: TRIZ innovative method, Material genetic engineering, High-throughput experimentation, Refractories.


曹喜营, 李红霞,王刚,张琪

中钢集团洛阳耐火材料研究院有限公司 先进耐火材料国家重点实验室 河南洛阳471039



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Email: caoxy@lirrc.com