Haiqing Yin1, Lina Cui2, Leijiang Yao3, Yong Zhou4, Xiaoyan Song5, Hongmei Zhang6, Ning Chen1, Xue Jiang1
1. University of Science and Technology Beijing; 2. Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences;
3. Northwestern Polytechnical University; 4. Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences; 5. Beijing University of Technology; 6. Beijing Institute of Technology
Abstract: The development of computers, software, and information technology has promoted the progress of development in the data age. Data is the foundation for the development of the data age and has received widespread attention as a new type of wealth in the data age. Due to the long materials life cycle, the research scale across quantum to macro, and the evolution of time and time, the collection and accumulation of diverse material data is a complex system engineering, whether international or domestic. Under the support of the “13th Five-Year” National Key R&D Program project, the construction of the materials database standards and specifications that meets the requirements of material genome engineering provides methodological guidance for the construction of experimental and computational data curation templates for typical material types. At present, the data curation templates of nickel-based superalloys, battery materials, rare earth materials, catalytic materials, light alloys, composite materials, etc. have been established for data collection and description under the General Rules for MGE Data. The expert evaluation and demonstration has been launched, ensuring the storage of high-quality data and the protection of intellectual property rights. At the same time, the lexical standards for material data retrieval for several types of materials are also under construction. Based on the above-mentioned standardized specifications, the database construction of high-temperature alloys, battery materials, rare earth materials, catalytic materials, light alloys, composite materials and other materials based on MGE ideas is on-going. The material composition and raw materials (preparation method and performance), detailed parameters of the preparation process, microstructure, performance data and its characterization methods and parameters, data sources, data DOI are collected as significant features of integral MGE data sets.
Keywords: Material data ecosystem; Material genome engineering; Data standardized specifications; Data curation; Database
1. 北京科技大学;2. 中国科学院金属研究所;3. 西北工业大学;4. 中国科学院化学研究所;5. 北京工业大学;6. 北京理工大学
工学博士、教授、博士生导师。2006 年入选“北京市科技新星计划”。长期从事粉末冶金材料和材料数据的研究工作,近年来在粉末高速压制、粉末微注射成形、材料数据库及机器学习、第一性原理计算与模拟、材料跨尺度设计等研究方向上取得了较好的研究成果,主持和参与承担了国家重点研发计划重点项目、国家973 计划、国家科技基础条件平台建设项目、863 计划、国家自然科学基金项目、军品配套项目和Kennametal-USTB国际合作科研课题20余项。1996 年毕业于西安交通大学材料科学与工程学院,1996- 2000 年在北京化工大学任讲师,2000-2002 年在日本大阪大学接合科学研究所做客座研究员,2002 年至今在北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院等单位工作,主要从事科研与教学工作,2011年在国际上粉末冶金研究领域最具影响力的美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学CISP做访问学者。曾获省部级科技成果奖一等奖2项,二等奖3项。发表论文50余篇,SCI收录30余篇,EI收录30余篇 。《粉末冶金工业》、《中国科学数据》、《科研信息化技术与应用》及《中国科技资源导刊》杂志的编委,亚洲材料数据委员会(AMDC)委员及中方联络人,材料基因工程北京市重点实验室副主任。