4-17. Program of CSTM standards for materials genome engineering data

4-17. Program of CSTM standards for materials genome engineering data

Ning Yu1,Lanting Zhang1,Lei Zhao2,Hong Wang*

1. Materials Genome Initiative Center (MaGIC); 2. The NCS Testing Technology Co., Ltd

Abstract: Data is the core of materials genome engineering (MGE). Big data produced from high-throughput calculation and high-throughput experiment and data mining technique becomes a trend of future mateirials design. However, it is need to make a serials rules and standards for materials genome engineering for sharring and reuse of data under a priciple of FAIR i.e. Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable.

Chinese Society for Testing and Materials (CSTM) founded “a field committee on materials genome engineering” in Guangzhou on Nov.21, 2017. The field committee, named CSTM-FC97, has released the first approved standard “General Rule for Materials Genome Engineering Data” in the world on Aug.13, 2019 that describes 3 kinds of data, i.e. sample information, source data, processed data. Each data has a unique sign according to DOI or GB/T 32843-2016. This rule can serve as guidance to MGE-related technical committee as they discuss and develop such standards related to artificial intelligence, machine learning and a proposed framework that can be used to determine the appropriate applicability of various requirements. Specifically, this document will help other technical standards committees produce a consistent and cohesive body of standards by providing harmonized terminology and a holistic framework for discussing and determining requirements for the increasingly system.

CSTM standards are used widely to improve product quality, enhance safety and facilitate trade. CSTM has a complete program for the application and review rules, including issue, assessment and vote, approval, publication. CSTM’s program for testing and materials data provides the materials community with a statistical quality assurance tool, enabling them to compare, improve, and maintain, a high level of performance in the use of CSTM methods. The program is intended to measure materials related to their compositions and physical properties using CSTM standards. The present paper introduces the CSTM’s program and related issues with the rule of “General rule for materials genome engineering data” as example.

KeywordsMaterials Genome Engineering, Data, Standards, General Rule



1. 上海交通大学材料基因组联合研究中心(MaGIC);2. 钢研纳克检测技术股份有限公司

摘要数据是“材料基因工程”(MGE)的核心。通过高通量计算和高通量实验获得并积累大量数据,并融合数据挖掘技术,服务于新材料设计,体现了材料科学与工程的未来发展方向。有必要建立涵盖数据生产与使用各个方面的一系列标准和规则,以规范数据生产过程中必须收集的信息和必须遵循的格式,确保数据的利用和收录符合FAIR(Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable,可发现、可获取、可互操作、可再利用)原则,促进数据的社会化共享。

中国材料与试验团体标准委员会(CSTM)于2017年11月成立了“材料基因工程”领域委员会,并于2019年8月13日成功发布了全球材料基因工程领域第一部标准“材料基因工程数据通则”。根据材料科学在数据驱动模式下对数据的需求,“材料基因工程数据通则”将数据分为样品信息、源数据(未经处理的数据)与衍生数据(经分析处理得到的数据)三类。每条数据将被赋予唯一和永久的科学资源标识(DOI或根据国标GB/T 32843-2016),还将包括记录充分的有关相应样品制备/表征/数据处理事件的信息作为元数据。“通则”为材料基因工程数据提供了数据的一般规则。在此基础上,还将建立一个数据标准体系,覆盖数据标准化的各项具体规定。如标准词汇表、相关数据产生与使用的每一种制备技术、表征技术和计算技术的方法,以及相应的元数据、表征源数据与衍生数据的标准。



通讯作者:汪洪, Email: hongwang2@sjtu.edu.cn

Brief Introduction of Speaker

获得日本京都大学能源科学博士,在日本东北大学进行博士后研究。现就职于上海交通大学材料科学与工程学院和上海交通大学材料基因组联合研究中心,担任国际期刊Heat Treatment & Surface Engineering (HTSE)执行主编,中国材料与试验团体标准委员会材料基因工程领域委员会秘书,参与材料基因工程团体标准建设。