2-6. Discover better metals faster: A case study on metallic glasses
Yanhui Liu
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Abstract: Metals are an essential class of materials in almost all aspect of our life. However, the performance improvement of metals has been slow. Driven by the increasing demand for higher performance, metals become more and more complex in chemical composition. This complexity creates a vast potential compositional space, vastly too large for the conventional material development methods. New strategies are needed to accelerate material discovery. Taking metallic glasses as example, I will present in this talk a combinatorial approach with which we can simultaneously fabricate hundreds to thousands alloys into a material library. As an integrated aspect, high-throughput characterization methods will be introduced for material properties, such as processability and glass forming ability. These combinations of combinatorial synthesis with high-throughput characterizations enable us to identify better metals much faster, and provide the toolbox to understand the science behind the materials.
Key words:Combinatorial methods; metallic glasses; glass formation
Prof. Liu is a Professor of Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science. He joined the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2016 as an Associated Professor, and was promoted to full Professor in 2018. His research interests include development of high-throughput methods for accelerated alloy discovery, metallic glasses, and high entropy alloys, etc. He has published >70 papers in prestigious journals such as Nature, Science, Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, etc. He is the winner of “National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars” (2018), “National Thousand Young Talents Program of China” (2016), “Hundred-Talent Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences” (2016), and “National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award” (2010).
Email: yanhui.liu@iphy.ac.cn