1-11. Research of “Material Genes” Science and Technology for Li-ion Battery

1-11. Research of “Material Genes” Science and Technology for Li-ion Battery

Feng Pan
School of advanced Materials, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School

Abstract: The Green Energy R&D Center in Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School is devoted to exploring the science and engineering of “Material Genes”, which includes building material big data based on artificial intelligence as well as new chemistry paradigm based on graph theory. Aiming to reveal the structural evolution, this work is featured by considering atoms or structure motifs as dots so that the isomorphism can be identified based on how the dots are connected. In addition, the local organization, placement and dynamic evolution of structures can be measured by large-scale scientific equipment with high intensity and time-spatial resolutions (e.g. synchrotron and neutron diffraction spectrometer). By applying this new paradigm to study structural motifs and electron structures of transition metal layered oxides, it is found that the interactions between spinning electrons on d-orbitals of transition metals leads to triangle magnetic frustration and super-exchange phenomenon. It is also found that via electron sharing, 6 adjacent transition metal atoms could form an “inorganic aromatic ring” and further constitute a 2D plane. Based on this structure unit, a novel battery cathode material with excellent electrochemical performance is designed and prepared. Moreover, by establishing nano-particle electrochemical theories/methods as well as atomic-scale in-situ measurements, it is found that the truncated symmetry at the 2D interface could lead to interfacial reconstruction during electrochemical tests or material synthesis, which can be utilized in the field of lithium-ion batteries and catalysis (e.g. water splitting, nitrogen and CO2 fixation).


Brief Introduction of Speaker
Feng Pan

讲席教授,国家“千人计划”特聘专家。北京大学深圳研究生院新 材料学院创院院长。1985 年毕业于北大化学系,1988 年获中科院福建 物构所硕士(师从梁敬魁先生),1994 年获英国 Strathclyde 大学博士 (获最佳博士论文奖),1994-1996 年瑞士 ETH 博士后。自 2011 年创建北 京大学深圳研究生院新材料学院以来,致力于材料基因与大数据系统研 发、结构化学新范式探索、 基于中子大科学装置的材料和器件综合表征系统建设与应用、新能源材料与器件研究和应用、界面结构与特殊界面涂层材料及装备研发和应用等方面取得了系统性的创新成果。2012-16 年作为项目的首席科学家和技术总负责联合 8 家企业承担和完成了国家新能源汽车动力电池创新工程项目。2015 年任科技部“电动汽车动力 电池与材料国际联合研究中心”(国家级研发中心)主任。2016 年作为首席科学家承担国家 “基 于材料基因组的全固态锂电池及关键材料研发”重点专项。潘锋是国家千人特聘专家和北大讲 席教授,发表了包括 Nature Nanotech、JACS、AM 等内的 SCI 代表性论文 250 余篇, 2015-18 连续四年入选爱思唯尔中国高被引学者,授权发明专利 27 项。获 2018 年美国电化学学会电池 科技奖与深圳市自然科学一等奖(领军)和 2016 年国际电动车锂电池协会杰出研究奖。