1-7. Simulation in Manufacturing - Hybrid Digital Twin

1-7. Simulation in Manufacturing - Hybrid Digital Twin

Jian-Zheng Guo
Wedge & Central South Research Institute, Shenzhen

Abstract: Hybrid Digital Twin,the integration of physics based digital twin (integrated computational material engineering) and data driven based digital twin (machine learning), is applied in the development of super alloys. The manufacturing process is analyzed and optimized from the design phase to improve the production yield and reduce the cost. It can help manufacturers to improve their competitiveness.

Brief Introduction of Speaker
Jian-Zheng Guo

清华大学学士、硕士,美国爱荷华大学博士。国家特聘专家,中南 大学特聘教授,深圳万泽中南研究院副院长。主要从事制造过程模拟仿 真及集成计算材料工程研究。多次作为主要讲师在诸如 TMS,AIAA 等 国际会议期间讲授《集成计算材料工程》短期课程。为美国金属协会《过 程仿真手册》撰写凝固过程模拟仿真章节。发表论文多篇,数十次受邀在多种国际会议做大会主题报告。目前是多个国际杂志审稿人,是《铸造焊接过程模拟国际会 议》(MCWASP)技术委员会委员,美国 TMS 凝固技术委员会委员。