4-8、Application of Materials Informatics to Thermal Management Materials Design

Application of Materials Informatics to Thermal Management Materials Design

Yibin Xu

National Institute for Materials Science, Japan


In 2015, a Japanese national project Materials Research by Information Integration Initiative (MI2I) has been launched. As a part of this project, materials database and machining learning technology have been applied to design of thermal management materials with ultra-high or ultra-low thermal conductivity. In this presentation, an example of our studies on interfacial thermal resistance by experiment, computation and machining learning approaches will be present. The potential and difficulties of data science approach to materials research will be discussed.


 DOI: 10.12110/firstfmge.20171121.408

Brief Introduction of Speaker
Yibin Xu(徐一斌)

received her first doctor degree in Materials Engineering in 1994 from Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Science, and second doctor degree in Information Science in 2007 from Nagoya University. She is now working in National Institute for Materials Science as the Data Platform Director, Research and Services Division of Materials Data and Integrated System. She is also the leader of Thermal Management and Thermoelectric Materials Group of a national project “Materials research by Information Integration” Initiative. Much of her current research focuses on heat transportation and phonon engineering of nanostructured materials.